News & Dates

Patrol Roster 2023-24
Please remember, if you are unable to make your rostered patrol it is your responsibility to contact your Patrol Captain (PC) with as much notice as possible. Your PC may...
Patrol Roster 2023-24
Please remember, if you are unable to make your rostered patrol it is your responsibility to contact your Patrol Captain (PC) with as much notice as possible. Your PC may...

Nippers Dates
Saturday 26th August 10.30am – 1.30pm Pool Proficiency Day Coolum Swim Fit Sunday 10th September 10.30am – 1.30pm Pool Proficiency Day Coolum Swim Fit Sunday 8th October 7:45am Sign On,...
Nippers Dates
Saturday 26th August 10.30am – 1.30pm Pool Proficiency Day Coolum Swim Fit Sunday 10th September 10.30am – 1.30pm Pool Proficiency Day Coolum Swim Fit Sunday 8th October 7:45am Sign On,...

GM & BBQ - Sat 16th Sept 4pm
All Club Members are invited to a pre-season General Meeting followed by a Patrol Captains welcome back and BBQ. General meeting kicks off at 4pm, BBQ at 5pm
GM & BBQ - Sat 16th Sept 4pm
All Club Members are invited to a pre-season General Meeting followed by a Patrol Captains welcome back and BBQ. General meeting kicks off at 4pm, BBQ at 5pm

Skills Maintenance - Proficiency Dates
All active lifesavers are required to complete a skills maintenance (proficiency check) to demonstrate competency in the lifesaving award/s they hold and in which they wish to remain current. Current...
Skills Maintenance - Proficiency Dates
All active lifesavers are required to complete a skills maintenance (proficiency check) to demonstrate competency in the lifesaving award/s they hold and in which they wish to remain current. Current...